Date : 18.01.25
Full Name
Company ID card
Company’s full legal name
Incorporation number
Year of founding
Economic sector
Number of employees
Short business activity description
(up to X words)
Project description
Project’s Name
Website if any
Short description
(up to X words)
What’s unique about your project?
What problem does it solve?
How do you solve it ?
(Simple and brief technology description)
Business model
Current business stage
Relevant business metrics if
(sales volumes in USD, average check, marketing metrics, etc.) – startups can skip it
Target market potential
(region, size, present or target SOM)
Go-to-Market Strategy
(for startups)
Present and potential target audience
Monetization Model
Investment terms
How the business was financed to the date?
Investment amount
Type of investment
Purpose of investments
Terms Offered
Risk Minimization Strategy
Team and owners’ expertise and achievements
Competitive Advantages and Special Honors
(if any)